Lash extensions are one of the most low maintenance forms of "being high maintenance."
Honestly. You don't even really have to do much and they look awesome! People get lash extensions for several reasons, most often to wake up ready. I know no pretty lady who wouldn't love more sleep and an easier morning routine. But there are a few tricks to keeping your lashes prettier for longer, and they're quite easy to incorporate into your lash care. Don't pick your lashes. (Seriously, we can tell if you do.) This includes tugging, pinching, picking, rolling, smooshing, rubbing, and anything else you can think of that involves you touching your lashes with your fingers or hands. Doing any of these things can damage your natural lash, causing them to break, or fall out prematurely, or the extensions to lose their bond or curl. Please, for the sake of your pretty lashes, don't pick! Wash and brush your lashes. Your eyelashes protect your eyes from dirt, sweat, oil, and all kinds of gross stuff. Gently comb a lash shampoo through your lashes with a clean spoolie brush to avoid makeup and grime buildup, lash loss, and infection. Many ladies think that if you just leave them alone, they'll last longer. Not so! Clean lashes last longer! Brushing your lashes daily (or say, when you'd like to pick but know you shouldn't) will also help your extensions stay healthy and beautiful. Keep a clean spoolie brush in your car, purse, and even your desk at work. Don't wear mascara! Mascara is IMPOSSIBLE to clean off extensions. Built up mascara attracts more dirt, sweat, oil, and gross stuff. Maintain regular fill appointments to keep your lashes looking amazing and ditch mascara for good. See? Its not so hard. Do these three things and you'll keep your lashes looking beautiful and your lash artist super pleased. If you know someone who doesn't take care of their extensions, just send them this link! xx
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From My Youth
When I was a kid, I'd draw these people with LOOOONG eyelashes. Eyelashes for days. And my grandma would make comments that she wished she'd have those kind of lashes too. I should have known then that I'd be a lash artist. And now that I am, I know there are a LOT of us out there. Which makes it hard to know if the one you pick is good, or great, or awful. Today I'm going to share a few tips on how to find the best lash artist in your town. And no, I'm not just gonna drop a pin with my spa location. Number One: Licensed I know that Utah is considered Wild West compared to those other states, but we've got rules here. And for Lash Artists those rules are simple. You must be a licensed cosmetologist or basic esthetician in the very least, meaning you have completed training at a credentialed school, you've passed state board written and practical exams, and you continue to work under your license by paying your license fees every other year. Why is this important? Simply, because education in your field shows professional interest, takes investment, and provides the basic knowledge of how skin and hair works, providing peace of mind for you as a consumer. Your lash artist should display his or her license in a noticeable area but if they're not, you can check if their licensed is expired, active, or non existent at Number Two: Certified Yep. Different than licensure, certification shows that your lash artist took a special class on the basics of eyelash extensions. These classes cover how to properly apply the extension, ensuring the selected weight and length doesn't damage the natural lash, and that a proper isolation is established and appropriate glue amount is used so that the extensions don't damage the lashes as well. Some classes go a step further to teach certified artists different techniques, like volume. Classes come in many forms such as a classroom type setting, or one on one under an apprenticeship through verified instructor. As a client, you deserve a lash artist who took the time to get educated and certified through a reliable source, which excludes YouTube. YouTube is definitely not handing out lash certificates. Nope. Number Three: CLEAN Outside of problems with isolation and size choice, your very next concern should be the cleanliness of your lash artists space. A health inspector is required to pass off each space to ensure it is safe for clientele. Basics include a presentable space, a disinfection area with proper knowledge of how the disinfectant is used, a clean area for you to lay your head, and that disposable things like brushes and cotton swabs and under eye pads are not reused. If your lash artist is not doing these basic things, you could end up with an eye infection called blepharitis. Google it if you're brave. Imagine crusty yellow infection with microscopic bugs living between your lashes. (Blepharitis can happen if YOU don't clean your lashes either. So be prepared to properly take care of your extensions.) Number Four: Pretty Results Okay, the real reason you want to get lashes is so that you look amazing all the time, right? Well girl, (or boy,) you gotta do your homework. Your lash artist should be either referred to you by a friend who has a reputable opinion, or you should be able to research their work online. Lash artists are a little vain; and they LOVE the results of their hard work and should take after pictures. Most have an active online portfolio of these pictures and should be watermarked with their name or logo. And we all know how important reviews are nowadays so check out what people are saying about your lash artist. Now for the lashes, they should not be clumped, not be too long for the natural lash, not be too thick, and not be twisted or dropping. The extensions should be attached to the natural lash at a proper angle, fairly close to the base, but not touching the skin of the eyelid. And the glue should not be noticeable. Proper aftercare at home should keep the lashes in similar condition. New lash artists can still be practicing their craft but in the very least ensure at the end of your appointment that each lash is separated from one another so that your lashes don't pull out. Post appointment, with proper care, your lashes should not feel itchy or irritated. That's it! Not so hard, huh? Outside of location, price, and personality you're all set to find the best lash artist in your area. And if you're in Salt Lake, you should check me out! Right now I've got a special going for new clients! Classic Full Set for $15 off! Check out my menu and book online at See you soon, trubeauties! Xo- Kendra So you've been watching online videos of this new lash lift thing, eh? Well you're not the only curious one. I too have been a little curious. And as a licensed master esthetician, this kind of curiosity is right up my alley. I just recently became trained by Elleebana in lash lifting and couldn't wait to try it on a few people! Before anyone let me touch their precious lashes, they had questions. A BUNCH of questions. So I am putting all these questions and answers here to help you decide whether a lash lift is, too, your new favorite trend in beauty! Q: What is a lash lift???- Leslee P. A: Lash lifting takes about a half hour, we lift your lashes on a silicone rod, apply a specifically formulated solution, and wait. In the end your lashes are curled up! Results can last 6-8 weeks and are super low maintenance! Q: How do you take care of them? Can you wash your eyes? -Tina P. A: You can! You can wash them, put mascara on them, rub them,, anything you normally do, you can do with a lash lift. It curls the lashes up and I can even tint them to darken the blonde ends to make them appear longer! Q: I have short eyelashes, will it still work well and look natural? -Tina P. A: Yes! I just did my grandma and she has such little lashes! We tinted them and lifted them and she loves them! Q: Does it do any damage to your lashes?- Chellsie F. A: Great question! There is no damage when done properly. I have been formally trained and monitor the treatment very closely to ensure there is no fringing or damage. The solution I use has been specially formulated for eyelash use and has been under study and development for ten years, very safe! Q: So that second picture doesn't have mascara? -Erin W. A: Nope. No mascara. Just the lift and tint! Q: What happens if you use mascara and makeup remover to get it off daily? What does that do to the treatment? -Tracey H. A: The lash lift is permanent. You can put mascara on and off as you wish and it will do nothing to the lift. Q: What is the difference between a lash lift and lash extentions? -Wendy C. A: Hi! Great question! Lash extensions are glued individually to each lash to provide length and volume. They're great and provide awesome lash enhancement with no damage if done properly! Lash Lift uses a specially formulated series of solution lotions to permanently lift each lash so that they are curled up, opening the eye using the lashes you already have. If tinted, they can also appear darker and longer. This is also safe and doesn't damage the lash if done properly. Pros and cons? Those who are used to and love the dramatic effects of extensions may not love the results of the lift as it does not add anything to the lashline, but with lifts you are free to rub, wash, and apply mascara to them. Lash extensions can also become expensive to maintain, as a fill ($40+) every two or three weeks is recommended to keep the lashes looking their best. With lash lifts, the results last 6-8 weeks! At only $55-$65 per treatment, it is definitely the less expensive option! As always, I recommend seeing a licensed and certified professional to get either lash extensions or lifts, and check their work! Below is a video of the treatment and how it works. Lash lifting is becoming increasingly more popular! Spots fill fast so reserve your spot today! There is a new popular treatment in skin care called microneedlng, which uses fine needles to puncture the skin, creating a controlled wound and resulting in improved texture and tone. I have had microneedling done and while it was not the most pleasant experience, I did see an improvement on my skin! My whole reason behind becoming an esthetician was to help people improve their skin, so I knew that once I had my license I had to invest in a microneedling device. I kept researching different pens on the market but none of them stood out to me. Most of them claimed to be sanitary but a lot were recalled due to a potential of cross contamination. That is the scariest thing! I wouldn't want to go in for a cosmetic service and end up with a blood-bourne pathogen! I started asking estheticians on a social media group of what they would suggest. SO MANY PROFESSIONALS pointed me to Rezenerate. After months of research, I committed to the purchase and now I AM HOOKED. Rezenerate is a little different than microneedling. Instead of using needles to puncture the skin, Rezenerate uses a chip with nano-needles, mono-crystalline silicon pyramid structures that are 1/3rd the diameter of a human hair. Because the structures are so small, they have the ability to pierce cell walls, creating millions of nano channels. And it doesn't hurt! Instead of professional grade skincare products just sitting on top of the skin, it is more readily absorbed through the nano channels. And the action of the nano-needling procedure also incourages new collagen and elastin production, helping with fine lines and wrinkles. Just like microneedling! THIS MEANS -Visible reduction of fine lines and wrinkles -Improved healing of stretchmarks -Significant reduction in scarring -Improved tone, especialy post inflamitory hyperpigmentation -Minimized appearance of pores -New skin is smoother, and more radiant -Improved skin at a cellular level -Faster results than regular facials or peels Without: -Downtime Microneedling requires -Numbing -Potential for cross contamination Microneedling options can cost nearly $200 for a single treatment. FOR A LIMITED TIME, I am offering my Rezenerate Treatments at $100 per treatment, and a series of three treatments at $250. Each treatment comes with customized finishing serums to target your specific skin concerns. Try it, and fall in love with your skin again! |